Saturday, January 29, 2011


Back to baseball day for Brothers fist season of T-Ball was a success. I can now add t-ball Team Parent to my resume. I always get succered into the job with the most responsibilities. Having your kids involved in recreational activities always involves more work for mommy. It's not that I don't enjoy volunteering the work just seens to add up fast. Before I know it I have too much on my plate. This should be fun I told Hubby he had to do 1/2 the work this time, let's see if he can rise to the challenge. At least voulenteering kind of make up for my outspoken kids. They are so opinionated it's bodering on obnoxious.
I sure do wish my children had filters though. My son was NOT very happy that he was not on the Dodgers team and made sure that everyone knew it too. I mean EVERYONE...

Shopping Cart War's

After arriving at the grocery store this afternoon with two kids 5 and under I found myself in a stare down with another mom over a plastic race car shopping cart. Let's just say I won that battle. Probably because her child looked to be about 8 or 9, witch is way to old to be taking a kiddie cart away from my precious little 4 year old. Parents of small children are all too familiar with these inventions. They are bulky, cumbersome shopping carts designed to entice your children with their nascar looks and sticky germ infested steering wheels. They are both a godsend and a major pain in the ass at the same time. People who don't have kids give you that irritated get the hell out of my way look as your child climb's on top of the car, giving them the ability to scope out and barley grab the strategically eye level placed toys and candy. Thus sending the children into a frantic rage when you tell them they can't have the cheep and over priced plastic toy or candy items. Let me add pushing a giant plastic cart around the grocery store to the list of thing's I swore i'd never do as a parent. As if the grocery store aisles are not difficult enough during peak hours just add a giant plastic hard to turn cadillac of shopping carts to the equation. That's fun. If you are lucky and I use that term lightly, all the car carts will be gone and your child will be forced to sit in a regular old boring metal shopping cart, just like we did as kids. However if your children are stubborn as hell and as hard headed as mine are, they refuse to ride in anything but a race car cart. The fun begins before we even get out of the car. My son will spot the RED RACE CAR CART from the traffic light a half a mile away from the grocery store and start screaming "I want the red car cart mama," "mama I want the red car cart," "MOMMY I WANT THE RED CAR CART." Then you will start praying fervently that the mini van mom in front of you is going to the bank, and is not for the love of GOD also eyeing the coveted red car cart. Today's trip of navigating through the store was relatively accident free. I only knocked down three jumbo cans of soup and one senior shopper with THE cart.