Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why Are The Teachers Giving Me That Look

So my children are at that stage where they are telling tall tales. Not lies, just elaborate stories that happen to not be true.  According to my stack of books this is completely normal and actually healthy for their brain development and creativity. Whatever!!!  (brother) started telling these stories to his teachers unbeknown to me, I began getting "those looks" at school.  So I started asking how he was doing in class. The teacher would say things like, we tried to take it easy on him, or he so resilient. Strange as it seemed that, seemed  the teacher  said nothing else.  I chalked it up to him not being use to school, and being upset when I leave.  Today I learned just how wrong I was.  While walking back to the car I asked my son what he learned in preschool today?  He says "I learned that sometimes mommy's and daddy's don't live together but they still love their kid" What?  I decided to go back and talk to the teacher.  Apparently he had been crying in class all week because "his dad lived at work,  mommy was really mad that daddy went to the hospital and almost died" and lets not forget the scratch on his arm that he got when"him and daddy beating up kids at the park with lifesavers."  All I can do is Laugh, he is so full of life and imagination.  What am I going to do?  

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